with Raymond Lucas & Lois Stagg
May 22nd 10am – 12 pm
Learn a series of tension-releasing exercises to increase our permeability to the background vibrations of existence, followed by an integrating sound bath that will leave you fine-tuned to the natural rhythms and harmonies of both your inner and outer worlds.
Yoga Healing: “Let us create an environment in which communion may occur.”
Tension-releasing techniques:
- Ayurvedic self belly massage(oil provided, or bring your own)
- bolster-supported prana massage
- chanting-induced resonance massage
- shavasana/nidra visualization aids to depend relaxation
Soundbath: “By bathing within vibration, we awaken to our cosmic self.”
For Hindus, ‘Om’ is the sound of creation. The Bible says, ‘first there was the word’. Pythagorus spoke of the ‘Music of the Spheres’ and NASA has measured sound waves emanating from planets, stars, and black holes as audible vibrations moving through space. A sound bath can bring the experience of integration with space, sound, and light. It is a chance to remember where we come from and experience who we truly are. This sound bath is offered as a space to rest, heal, receive, and connect with our deeper selves.
12 spaces available. Preregister or take chances and show up. Contact to reserve your space:
Camelia House: info@littlecreekyoga.com, 337-534-8395
Raymond Lucus: DM @journey_of_breath