Who: Yoga4SocialJustice was created by social justice educator, Dr. Valin S. Jordan, to help yogis and teachers of all kinds enhance their commitments towards societal change by introducing concepts of social justice through the practice of yoga. The curriculum allows people to engage in social justice learnings through resources and materials designed by a specialist. The goal is to use the teachings during one’s yoga practice as a way to move the personal needle for understanding the various arms of social justice.
What: This workshop is geared towards teachers of all kinds as well as anyone who works with kids and young adults, K-12. Prior yoga experience is not required. The workshop includes;
- 60 minute all abilities yoga flow
- 90 workshop lead by Matthew M. Green, PhD, school to prison pipeline and restorative justice scholar. The workshop will include direct teaching on school to prison pipeline, alternative strategies to be used in spaces that engage youth, self inquiry, and partner activity.
Participants will recieve:
- A set of resources and materials to support their work with K-12 youth.
- Yoga4SocialJustice™ workbook.
- Access to continued support from Yoga4SocialJustice™.
Come preapred with yoga mat, towel, and water. Mats are available upon request.
When: October 19th, 2-4:30pm
Where: Camélia House Sunroom
Price: $40
For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit Eventbrite
To learn more about Yoga 4 Social Justice, please visit the website.