What: “The Family Constellations are a powerful tool for family awareness and reconciliation, which invite to a healthy family link with all the members of the family.”… with Family Constellations Therapist, Miguel Molina.
“Las Constelaciones Familiares son una poderosa herramienta de concientización y reconciliación familiar, que invitan a una sana vinculación con todos los miembros de la familia.”… con Terapeuta Constelaciones Familiares, Miguel Molina.
When: Saturday, April 21st, 12-2pm
Sábado, 21 de abril de 12-2pm
Where: Camélia House
Price: Clients/Participantes $55, Representatives/Representantes $10
Contact Call Miguel for appointment/Llamar para cita previa; (337)806-6713